Betty Ross
Born Nancy Betty Fergusson - just before the outbreak of the Great War - Betty was the second daughter of the famous Perthshire cricketer J A Fergusson and his wife Kathleen. J A Fergusson owned the Queen’s Hotel in Perth and Betty’s early life was spent closely linked to the hotel trade.
Betty was very artistic, she loved ballet, music and the arts. She enjoyed painting, cooking, designed and made many of her own clothes. She loved her garden and her great pleasure was her bungalow home, which she had designed herself, having it built in the garden of what was the old family home. In her early days in the bungalow, she even tried her hand at running a B & B for a short while and entertained visitors from all over the world.
She was fond of animals and owned two delightful wired-haired terriers called Shaun and Paddy. As well as her interest in animals, wildlife, and plants she was very “green” in her outlook, long before it was fashionable to be so. At quite an advanced age she had solar roof panels and modern insulation installed.
Betty did well to live independently for so long. Latterly she was helped and supported by kind friends, neighbours, associates and by numerous carers. All this generous help made it possible for her to remain in her beloved bungalow until just short of her 100th birthday. She was very determined to remain in her own home and she achieved this goal.